Biogas blowers

biogas3Biogas blowers og biogas compressors

In cooperation with Mapro International, we her offer probably the worlds greatest product program for biogas blowers og biogas compressors.

The high quality Mapro products, are reliable and by 2009 installed in more than 640 biogas plants all over the world.


The product program for the biogas sector includes custom made ATEX side channel blowers in both one or two stages. These two stage side channel blowers are capable of generating a pressure rise for up to 450mbarG. Do you need more pressure, our Turbotron program, will then be an alternative choice with volumen flow of up to 2000m^3/h and 850mbarG presure rise.

Mapro can also offer a full range of biogas compressors, which are specially designed for pressure rises of up to 20 barG and volume flow of up to 5000m^3/h for compression of biogas and other explosive gases.

